ATTC Auburn Table Tennis Club
Playing Information
Round Robin Results
Club Ratings

USATT Rating Chart Auburn Table Tennis Club Auburn California

ATTC Playing Information

Open Play:

Monday evenings. In general we set up sufficient tables to accommodate the number of players present. Play is not structured and can be either singles or doubles.

Round Robin Competition:

ATTC fundamental Round Robin objective: Providing an encouraging environment for competitive matches. Round Robins are conducted every Wednesday. Please be signed in no later than 6:45 to participate.

Due to facility limitations, we must limit play to the first thirty players signing up.

We provide balls and have a limited supply of paddles that can be borrowed. Please wear non-marring shoes.

Round Robin Rules:

(1) Round Robin (RR) play will be conducted in groups of 4, 5 or 6 players, with group winners from the prior week advancing to the next highest table in the subsequent week.

(2) Apart from the advancement of the prior week's group winners, the groupings otherwise are made based upon then current club rating or, for first time players, their USATT rating (if the player has one, and that rating is reflective of their current level of play) or a suggested rating determined by the RR organizer. The initial rating will be tentative and subject to change based upon the results of the initial round robin play.

(3) Matches in RR are 3 of 5, games to 11. The winner is responsible for recording the match result. Unrecorded match results will be treated as though the match was not played.

(4) Matches generally should be played in the order presented on the match sheet, provided, however, that in the interest of time, matches shall be played out of order to assure the maximum utilization of available tables.

(5) If a player withdraws from the RR due to injury, illness or emergency, then unplayed matches and any match in progress will not be played and/or completed and will not be recorded.  A withdrawal can only be made by the withdrawing player notifying the RR organizer, in person, of the injury, illness or emergency. Any dispute as to the bona fides of the reason for withdrawal shall be determined by the RR organizer (or, if the RR organizer is withdrawing or is challenging such withdrawal, then by the highest ranking club officer then present).

(6) Absent (a) a withdrawal for injury, illness or emergency or (b) a match that cannot be played due to lack of time (i.e. club closure) or (c) the agreement by both players not to play their match, then an unplayed match will be considered a forfeited match in favor of the player who stands ready, willing and able to play such match.  The player to whom such match is forfeited is responsible for noting the forfeit on the match sheet.

(7) In the interest of providing an appropriate grouping of reasonably similarly skilled players, the RR organizer shall have the right, from time to time and upon consultation with the affected RR players, to combine two groups of four players each into a single group of eight, and then to recast such players in two new groups of four each, and providing for a second round of matches (i.e. providing for each player to have a total of four matches) between his/her relative finisher in the other group.

Youth Play:

Players under the age of 11 are required to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The appropriateness of players under the age of 14 to play in the round robin competition is at the discretion of the Youth Director or his designee in concert with the club President.

A Few "Do’s":

1. Pay playing fee as appropriate.

2. Place your name on the sign-up sheet.

3. If a ball from another court enters your playing area, retrieve and return after your point concludes.

4. If you notice the cardboard barrier coming down, quickly react to stabilize it and return to an upright position.

5. Record your match results.

6. Assist in setting up and putting away tables and barriers.

A Few "Don’ts":

1. Do not interrupt play on your way to your table.

2. Do not hit the surface of the table with your paddle. Very costly damage will occur.

3. Do not allow yourself to move the table during play.

4. Do not sit or lean on tables.

5. Avoid all abusive language.

The Auburn Table Tennis Club is open on a "Drop In" basis and within short distance from the Sacramento Area , Roseville , Rocklin , Lincoln , Folsom , Antelope , Citrus Heights , Orangevale , Loomis , Newcastle and Penryn as well as the Northern California Sierra Foothill Area Towns of Cool , Georgetown , Garden Valley , Christian Valley , Meadow Vista , Colfax , Grass Valley and Nevada City.

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