Hello Auburn players –
I’m back from a great vacation and ready to play some table
tennis! The ATTC website is now updated with all results for the last 3 round
Round Robin results for
Group 1: Sam Seo goes
4-0 to win the group!
Group 2: Grant Connell goes 4-0 to win the group
as everyone finishes in order of seeding!
Group 3: Doug Vaughan goes 4-0 to win the group
as it also plays out to seeding order!
Round Robin results for
Group 1: Sam Seo and Bill
Kochenderfer both go 4-1, but Sam wins the head to head and the group!
Group 2: Andrew Streng
goes 5-0 to win the group!
Round Robin results for
Group 1: Sam Seo and Sergey
Tsvor both go 4-0, but don’t get to play
each other, so no group winner.
Group 2: George Yang, the #4 seed, goes 5-0 to win
the group and move up a table!
See all of the RR results
on our website.
Sacramento Fall Fun For All Table
Tennis Tournament – Saturday 11/3/2012 - http://www.sactabletennis.org/SACTTNov2012Entry.pdf
For Wed. night, - if you will be late (after
6:45 pm), be sure to call Tom at 530-613-0101 or Bill at 916-275-0899 and let
them know. If you reach us, we will get you on a table.
Tom Spesick