Hello Auburn
players –
Round Robin results for 10/9/2013: A gathering of only 13
players, so we divided up into groups of 5, 4 & 4.
Group 1: Tom Spesick goes 4-0 to win the
Group 2: Nikolai Zavastitsa
and Chris Lim each go 2-1, but Nikolai wins the head to head and
the group!
Group 3: Mark Copeland goes 3-0 to get the
group win!
Group winners move up a table the following week.
New Table – The ATTC is getting another new Butterfly
centerfold 25 table delivered on Monday 10/14!
Be Careful – Remember the ATTC is on the edge of the
American River Canyon and there is plenty of animal wildlife in the area. Be
especially cautious of deer while driving away from the area in the dark.
See all
of the RR results on our website.
For Wed. night,
- if you will be late (after 6:45 pm), be sure to call or text Tom at
530-613-0101 or Bill at 530-368-6561 and let them know. If you reach us, we
will get you on a table.